Ethical Production
Hand Made
Made to Order
Recycled Materials

Conceived at a time that is characterized by multifaceted breakthrough technologies that continue to reshape our lives, and Mother Nature’s struggle to keep up with human demand, ISTINARA embodies the future of Body Wearables while respecting the fragility of our home. All our designs are produced using gold or silver that have been recycled from electronic waste (e-waste), in turn reducing the negative environmental impact and human rights violations that would typically result from mining virgin metals. Equally, all our jewellery is proudly handmade by independent artisans in our Istanbul workshop. We provide our talented ISTINARA family with a nurturing work environment, offer above average compensation, and ensure the safest work conditions. ISTINARA's packaging is proudly handmade by under-served Palestinian mothers living in Jordan, further enhancing ISTINARA's vision of becoming a 360 degree conscious brand.